“I have so appreciated the executive coaching relationship with Maïa and the way it's elevated my leadership and ability to navigate a new chapter of my career. Maia's keen judgment, trust and encouragement have been invaluable to me and had a wider impact on my team. She has not only provided me with management tools and advice, but more importantly has helped lead me to discern the answers already within me. I can't recommend working with Maia enough to anyone looking to make a leap in their professional development.”

Annie Rothrock


"Maia has a potent ability to create a secure container for clients to be authentic and recognize their natural abilities and true selves. With her guidance, I identified my key values which help me operate at my best. Awareness of my values became distinctly useful and proved to be amazing filters when it came to new opportunities in my search, and subsequent interview processes. Where there was massive alignment, there was success. I highly recommend working with Maia as a coach. She empowers and elevates you in your career development and trajectory. I am beyond grateful for the valuable growth accomplished under Maia’s expertise and mentorship."

Katherine Sindac

Operations I Program Director I MBA I Private Equity

“Maïa has a compassionate and thoughtful approach to coaching. Her extensive business experience is evident in her coaching skills. She has the ability to quickly make clients feel comfortable and to skillfully guide them through the process.”

Julia James

CEO, Hedgerow Group, LLC

“I wholeheartedly recommend Maïa as an outstanding coach. She has had a profound impact on me in my Executive Operations journey.Maïa is wildly talented, insightful and generous. She brings a wealth of expertise and a diverse toolkit that supports me in enhancing communication skills, fostering a cohesive team, facilitating constructive conversations, navigating high-pressure situations, and advocating for myself. Her approach is not just about immediate problem-solving but also about instilling a lasting mindset to continuous improvement. She empowers others to harness their strengths while purposefully challenging areas for development. She would be a force for any individual or organization looking to deepen relationships, elevate leadership, strengthen team dynamics, or navigate change. Maïa, you are a legend!”

Quinn Burke

‍Executive Operations Director, HumanFirst

Maïa is a wonderful and seasoned leader; I found her coaching insightful and valuable. It helped me to better understand my own goals and aspirations as well as helping me to become a better manager and leader. Her guidance, counsel and capacity for understanding nuance and people are a barometer I will carry with me throughout my career. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work for her.

Ingrid Kier

Executive Operations Manager, Square

Every conversation with Maïa was purposeful, engaging, and personally challenging. As a veteran educator, whose life’s passion is guiding, mentoring, and supporting students, I was more inspired and better able to articulate my leadership skills with Maïa's coaching. She amplified my “Jiminy Cricket” voice, whose advice and counsel were muffled by life’s distractions. Her approach to coaching helped me clear away some noise, so that I could continue to be my own guide. Thank you Maïa!

Chai Phannaphob, Ed.D

Educator and Consultant

“Maïa and I worked together at Asana and she led the effort to significantly expand the Administrative Operations team during a time of fast growth. Maïa built the business case for expansion, influenced Leadership to approve the headcount growth, rolled up her sleeves to interview, hire, and onboard a dozen or so new Admins, and managed a large team. As my manager, Maïa also led me through coaching and values engagement, helping me to refine my anchor point and vision, and it was an energizing and expansive experience that I still reference today. During our time working together, Maïa also handled some challenging moments with curiosity, openness, and willingness to learn from them. She's got the wisdom to grow teams with a heart of empathy and the passion to motivate people to be their best!”

Jenna Mahina

Administrative Business Partner to C-Suite, Asana

My coaching with Maïa was a transformative experience. As a career freelance journalist I was being offered bigger public speaking work, which I was apprehensive about. With a light touch Maïa gave me the courage to make the leap into this career move with confidence, and helped me thrive in this new challenge. She always approached our sessions with enthusiasm, warmth, compassion and kindness, and no matter how apprehensive I felt about talking about myself, she gave me the courage to be honest, and to believe in myself, and to consequently push myself to bigger challenges. I came away from our sessions with a clear idea of my core values and life purpose, which help guide me confidently through difficult decisions. The outcome is I am moving forward with my career in a way I couldn’t have imagined before.

Laura Laker

Freelance Journalist

“Maïa is an incredibly talented coach and an inspirational leader of teams. Under Maïa's leadership and guidance of the Executive Operations team at Square, I experienced some of the most profound professional growth of my career.”

Tyler Blum

Executive Operations Manager, Block (Square)

“I have so appreciated the executive coaching relationship with Maïa and the way it's elevated my leadership and ability to navigate a new chapter of my career. Maia's keen judgment, trust and encouragement have been invaluable to me and had a wider impact on my team. She has not only provided me with management tools and advice, but more importantly has helped lead me to discern the answers already within me. I can't recommend working with Maia enough to anyone looking to make a leap in their professional development.”

Annie Rothrock

“Maïa has a compassionate and thoughtful approach to coaching. Her extensive business experience is evident in her coaching skills. She has the ability to quickly make clients feel comfortable and to skillfully guide them through the process.”

Julia James
CEO, Hedgerow Group, LLC

A photo of Ingrid Kier. She wears large frame dark glasses and smiles against a white background.

Maïa is a wonderful and seasoned leader; I found her coaching insightful and valuable. It helped me to better understand my own goals and aspirations as well as helping me to become a better manager and leader. Her guidance, counsel and capacity for understanding nuance and people are a barometer I will carry with me throughout my career. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work for her.

Ingrid Kier
Executive Operations Manager, Square

“...Maïa also led me through coaching and values engagement, helping me to refine my anchor point and vision, and it was an energizing and expansive experience that I still reference today.”

Jenna Mahina
Administrative Business Partner to C-Suite, Asana

Headshot of a lady again some photo frames in the background, smiling.

Every conversation with Maïa was purposeful, engaging, and personally challenging. As a veteran educator, whose life’s passion is guiding, mentoring, and supporting students, I was more inspired and better able to articulate my leadership skills with Maïa's coaching. She amplified my “Jiminy Cricket” voice, whose advice and counsel were muffled by life’s distractions. Her approach to coaching helped me clear away some noise, so that I could continue to be my own guide. Thank you Maïa!

Chai Phannaphob, Ed.D
Educator and Consultant

“...Maïa also led me through coaching and values engagement, helping me to refine my anchor point and vision, and it was an energizing and expansive experience that I still reference today.”

Jenna Mahina
Administrative Business Partner to C-Suite, Asana

A picture of Laura Laker from the news, in a black blazer, yellow tee and against a city backdrop.

My coaching with Maïa was a transformative experience. As a career freelance journalist I was being offered bigger public speaking work, which I was apprehensive about. With a light touch Maïa gave me the courage to make the leap into this career move with confidence, and helped me thrive in this new challenge. She always approached our sessions with enthusiasm, warmth, compassion and kindness, and no matter how apprehensive I felt about talking about myself, she gave me the courage to be honest, and to believe in myself, and to consequently push myself to bigger challenges. I came away from our sessions with a clear idea of my core values and life purpose, which help guide me confidently through difficult decisions. The outcome is I am moving forward with my career in a way I couldn’t have imagined before.

Laura Laker
Freelance Journalist

“Maïa is an incredibly talented coach and an inspirational leader of teams. Under Maïa's leadership and guidance of the Executive Operations team at Square, I experienced some of the most profound professional growth of my career.”

Tyler Blum
Executive Operations Manager, Block (Square)

“I have so appreciated the executive coaching relationship with Maïa and the way it's elevated my leadership and ability to navigate a new chapter of my career. Maia's keen judgment, trust and encouragement have been invaluable to me and had a wider impact on my team. She has not only provided me with management tools and advice, but more importantly has helped lead me to discern the answers already within me. I can't recommend working with Maia enough to anyone looking to make a leap in their professional development.”

Annie Rothrock

“Maïa has a compassionate and thoughtful approach to coaching. Her extensive business experience is evident in her coaching skills. She has the ability to quickly make clients feel comfortable and to skillfully guide them through the process.”

Julia James
CEO, Hedgerow Group, LLC

A photo of Ingrid Kier. She wears large frame dark glasses and smiles against a white background.

Maïa is a wonderful and seasoned leader; I found her coaching insightful and valuable. It helped me to better understand my own goals and aspirations as well as helping me to become a better manager and leader. Her guidance, counsel and capacity for understanding nuance and people are a barometer I will carry with me throughout my career. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work for her.

Ingrid Kier
Executive Operations Manager, Square

Headshot of a lady again some photo frames in the background, smiling.

Every conversation with Maïa was purposeful, engaging, and personally challenging. As a veteran educator, whose life’s passion is guiding, mentoring, and supporting students, I was more inspired and better able to articulate my leadership skills with Maïa's coaching. She amplified my “Jiminy Cricket” voice, whose advice and counsel were muffled by life’s distractions. Her approach to coaching helped me clear away some noise, so that I could continue to be my own guide. Thank you Maïa!

Chai Phannaphob, Ed.D
Educator and Consultant

“...Maïa also led me through coaching and values engagement, helping me to refine my anchor point and vision, and it was an energizing and expansive experience that I still reference today.”

Jenna Mahina
Administrative Business Partner to C-Suite, Asana

A picture of Laura Laker from the news, in a black blazer, yellow tee and against a city backdrop.

My coaching with Maïa was a transformative experience. As a career freelance journalist I was being offered bigger public speaking work, which I was apprehensive about. With a light touch Maïa gave me the courage to make the leap into this career move with confidence, and helped me thrive in this new challenge. She always approached our sessions with enthusiasm, warmth, compassion and kindness, and no matter how apprehensive I felt about talking about myself, she gave me the courage to be honest, and to believe in myself, and to consequently push myself to bigger challenges. I came away from our sessions with a clear idea of my core values and life purpose, which help guide me confidently through difficult decisions. The outcome is I am moving forward with my career in a way I couldn’t have imagined before.

Laura Laker
Freelance Journalist

“Maïa is an incredibly talented coach and an inspirational leader of teams. Under Maïa's leadership and guidance of the Executive Operations team at Square, I experienced some of the most profound professional growth of my career.”

Tyler Blum
Executive Operations Manager, Block (Square)

I partner with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

With over 2000 hours of practice I am certified (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation, iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram Solutions as well as by the globally recognized Co-Active Training Institute (CPCC). As a coach, I continuously work on my own personal development by completing programs such as The Hoffman Process and courses on neuroscience and coaching.

I'm a firm believer in coaching within context for my C-Suite clients. If I coach you in a vacuum it can be a challenge to deepen your learning and achieve true transformation. I will learn about your environment, often times speaking with your leadership team, including those that support you such as a Chief of Staff or Executive Business Partner. I also use perspective-building tools such as the Enneagram to support your leadership journey.

Where are you now and where do you want to be?

Everyone is naturally creative, resourceful and whole. I work with you to unlock your potential.

Coaches in sports and entertainment work with athletes and performers to go from good to extraordinary. If you want to supercharge your performance and leave your limiting beliefs behind, you are ready for coaching. Executive and leadership coaching both supports and challenges you to be the best leader for yourself, in the workplace and world at large.

Research suggests that employees will forget at least 50% of what they learn within a few days after attending a corporate training program.Learning is a process, not a singular event. If you want your employees to learn new skills, help them adapt and evolve for the future, invest in coaching over training. With US companies spending over $100 Billion annually on training, consider redirecting those funds to 1:1 coaching, team or peer coaching to support growth and transformation that stimulates significant business outcomes.

Sample Coaching Engagement Process

  • Discovery questionnaire
  • Design communication alliance
  • Exploration of goals
  • Identifying personal values
  • Use of values
  • Establishing a life purpose
  • Leading yourself before others
  • Intersection of goals, values and purpose
  • Plan of action
  • Leadership of others
  • Strategies for change
  • Address challenges
  • Disrupt patterns and behaviors
  • Evolution of the leader within
  • Shift mindset and behavior
  • Fulfillment
  • Resonance


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Why would you work with a coach?

When you want to change, are ready for massive action and are open to the possibilities of transformation — this is when it can be beneficial to work with a leadership coach.

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How does coaching work?

Typically, we'll meet by phone or video for 1-hour sessions, twice a month. The minimum time commitment is 6 months or 12 sessions. We will co-create and design a safe and courageous space of communication that is completely confidential. Initially, we'll work on articulating your values and your life purpose (your "why") and setting a framework for what you'd like to accomplish in the coaching.

  • A coach is someone who is genuinely devoted to making a difference in your life and believes in you
  • A coach is there to help you identify problems or obstacles, create a plan to surpass them and support your own accountability towards change
  • A coach acknowledges you
  • A coach supports your inner wisdom and the leader-within; developing your strategic, team and personal leadership skills
  • A coach is someone who is genuinely devoted to making a difference in your life and believes in you. (How rare is it to be with someone who fully listens to you and doesn’t jump to conclusions? A coach listens without interpretation or bias)
  • A coach is committed to you: creating your future and impact in the world
  • A coach is beside you to look at your whole life with different perspectives
  • A coach knows you are the expert in your own life and helps you confirm your life purpose and values
  • A coach works with you to use your unique talents to connect with your team and lead with strength and empathy
  • A coach is someone who holds you accountable on your strategic path to a bigger vision.
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How is coaching different than mentoring?

Coaching and mentoring can be complimentary, however they are not the same. A mentor will provide advice for their mentee (client) based on their experience and skills. A mentor may also support someone with encouraging comments and feedback. In a mentor- mentee relationship the mentor is the expert. A coach comes to a client with a beginner’s mind. A coach does not provide advice. The coach is there to acknowledge, champion, ask powerful questions and challenge the client. In a coach-client relationship the client is the expert in their own life.

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How is coaching different than therapy?

Coaching and therapy can also be complimentary and yet they are very different. First, licensed therapists can diagnose and treat conditions. Coaches do not diagnose or treat. Second, therapy is about interpreting past events, problem-solving, healing wounds and how to cope with those wounds. Coaching is about the present and future. A coach uses intuition based on deep listening, not interpretation. Third, therapy assumes that the client needs fixing. Coaches know the client is naturally creative, resourceful and whole and does not need fixing.

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How much does it cost?

We offer monthly or package fixed rates for individuals and companies. You should expect your investment to start at $24,000 USD per year which includes 2 sessions per month with additional support with accountability as needed. If you are C-Suite or in leadership there may be additional costs as I consult with your team for contextually-driven coaching.

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