Photo by Jean-Philippe Defaut © 2018

Where are you now and where do you want to be?

Maïa Cybelle Carpenter

As our client base grows at Carpenter Consulting Partners, we have noticed patterns: some are able to implement our administrative infrastructure solutions and some, despite their best attempts, really struggle to change. They want to be more efficient by applying the processes and systems we designed, but in some cases, they just can’t. Put simply, our consultancy provides solutions to problems of efficiency and organization. We also offer mentoring and training based on experience and skill-development. Additionally, we now offer meaningful support for our clients to embrace change and transformation with executive and leadership coaching. We work with you to unlock your potential and maximize your performance.

You may have heard of coaches in sports and entertainment. They work with athletes and performers to go from good to extraordinary. If you want to supercharge your performance and leave your limiting beliefs behind, you are ready for coaching. Executive and leadership coaching both supports and challenges you to be the best leader for yourself, in the workplace and world at large.

Throughout this article we’ve scattered a few powerful questions your coach may ask you. Do they resonate with you?

Powerful question #1: Where are you now and where do you want to be?
"LISTEN" ©Jean-Philippe Defaut

How does coaching differ from mentoring?

Coaching and mentoring can be complimentary, however they are not the same. A mentor will provide advice for their mentee (client) based on their experience and skills. A mentor may also support someone with encouraging comments and feedback. In a mentor- mentee relationship the mentor is the expert.

A coach comes to a client with a beginner’s mind. A coach does not provide advice. The coach is there to acknowledge, champion, ask powerful questions and challenge the client. In a coach-client relationship the client is the expert in their own life.

Powerful question #2: How does your story serve you?

How does coaching differ from therapy?

Coaching and therapy can also be complimentary and yet they are very different. First, licensed therapists can diagnose and treat conditions. Coaches do not diagnose or treat. Second, therapy is about interpreting past events, problem-solving, healing wounds and how to cope with those wounds. Coaching is about the present and future. A coach uses intuition based on deep listening, not interpretation. Third, therapy assumes that the client needs fixing. Coaches know the client is naturally creative, resourceful and whole and does not need fixing.

Powerful question #3: What are your self-limiting beliefs?

Why work with an executive or leadership coach?

When you want to change, are ready for massive action and are open to the possibilities of transformation — this is when it can be beneficial to work with a leadership coach.

  • A coach is someone who is genuinely devoted to making a difference in your life and believes in you.
  • A coach is there to help you identify problems or obstacles, create a plan to surpass them and support your own accountability towards change.
  • A coach is curious about you.
  • A coach acknowledges you.
  • A coach supports your inner wisdom and the leader-within; developing your strategic, team and personal leadership skills.
  • How rare is it to be with someone who fully listens to you and doesn’t jump to conclusions? A coach listens without interpretation or bias.
  • A coach is committed to you: creating your future and impact in the world.
  • A coach is beside you to look at your whole life with different perspectives.
  • A coach knows you are the expert in your own life and helps you confirm your life purpose and values.
  • A coach works with you to use your unique talents to connect with your team and lead with strength and empathy.
  • A coach is someone who holds you accountable on your strategic path to a bigger vision.
"ALL WE HAVE IS NOW" ©Jean-Philippe Defaut

Whether your are a C-Suite executive, management or individual contributor, you can benefit from developing new skills, behaviors and embarking on a journey towards being a better leader for yourself and your colleagues.

If you are curious to learn more about executive and leadership coaching, contact us:


Carpenter Consulting Partners, Inc. is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and as such abides by its regulations, codes of conduct and ethics. ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. We are also certified (CPCC, PCC) leadership coaches.

Powerful question #4: Who are you becoming?

Maïa Cybelle Carpenter

CEO, Carpenter Consulting Partners, Inc.

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